Sunday, February 16, 2020

The Need for Bachelor Prepared Nurses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Need for Bachelor Prepared Nurses - Essay Example Evidently, there are a number of benefits of preparing nurses in this way and therefore society definitely has a need for bachelor prepared nurses. The first important argument for having bachelor prepared nurses is that they may be more capable in dealing with certain patients. This means that people in hospital are less likely to die from preventable causes in the hands of bachelor prepared nurses. Aiken, Clarke, Cheung, Sloane & Silber (2003) found that, in a study of hospitals in Philadeliphia, nurses with a bachelor degree had 5% less patient deaths and failure to rescue incidents than non-bachelor prepared equivalents. This was found even after adjusting for the different illnesses that the nurses were dealing with. Sasichay-Akkadechanunt, Scalzi, & Jawad (2003) found in their large study of nurses in Thailand that in-hospital deaths were reduced when patients were treated by bachelor prepared nurses. Bachelor prepared nurses may also be more qualified in basic scientific knowl edge that can be useful in their career. Thornton (1997) found that nurses who had biological and psychological knowledge from their bachelor degree were more capable and more understanding (as evaluated by co-workers, patients and the nurses themselves). These nurses were also more qualified in dealing with a wide-range of situations. This may be because nurses who had only received minimal training and had more vocational-style education may have had their experience in one or two hospital areas, and therefore were not familiar with a number of the cases in areas where they did not have training. Bachelor preparation covers a lot of ground. Manias & Bullock (2002) found that bachelor prepared nurses also had a superior knowledge of pharmacology, which is inevitably helpful when dealing with patients who need medication. Another benefit to having bachelor prepared nurses is that they can often have a better patient manner and be qualified in a number of different areas, not just be cause of their increased scientific knowledge. White, Coyne & Patel (2001) asked members of the Oncology Nursing Society to specify whether they thought that bachelor prepared nurses were adequate for end-of-life care. Not only did the nurses in the society feel that they had gained enough from their degree that they could apply in this situation, but the general feeling was that patients responded better to these nurses because bachelor preparation includes modules about talking to patients and communication. Patients often prefer and feel safer with nurses with a good bedside manner, and so this is a huge advantage to have in a nurse. There are suggestions that nurses do not need to study in formal education because their career is so practical and essay writing and research are not often used in the profession (Gurney, Mueller & Price, 1997). Although this claim may have some truth to it, in that it recognizes the nature of the profession, there are suggestions that these researc h skills can actually be useful to a nurse. Carroll et al (1997) found that nurses did use research techniques and many used them to find out more about conditions as well as take part in scholarly nursing research. If nurses were only prepared on a vocational basis, they may not have the research skills that a bachelor’

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Ballet Don Quixote Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ballet Don Quixote - Essay Example Th first Russin production ws producd by Chrls Didlot in two cts in St Ptrsburg in 1808, nd in 1809 vrsion ws mountd in nglnd by Jms Hrvy D'gvill. Pul Tglioni (brothr of bllrin Mri Tglioni) prsntd vrsion in Brlin in 1839 nd his uncl Slvtor Tglioni st production t th Ttro Rgio, Turin during th 1843/44 sson. lthough ll ths rly bllt vrsions of th story wr bsd on th first pisods of Crvnts story thy vrid grtly in styl nd th mtril thy chos to includ. Th first tim tht th mor comic pisods, tht rvolvd round Quitri (Kitri), Bsilio nd Cmcho (Gmch) wr usd succssfully ws in th Pris Opr production of 1801 with chorogrphy by Louis Milon. It ws titld Ls Nocs d Gmch. Th rol of Bsilio ws dncd by ugust Vstris. Th librtto tht ws followd by ugust Bournonvill in 1837 for his 3 ct Don Quixot t Cmcho's Wdding in Copnhgn for this production bcm populr nd it ws chorogrphd to mlng of music by Giocchino Rossini, tinn Mhul, Gspr Spontini, Jn Schnitzhoffr nd mor, rrngd by Otto Zinck. Milon's librtto ws lso usd by Brnrdo Vstris for his 1844/45 production t L Scl, but most notbly it ws th inspirtion for Mrius Ptip's vrsion for th Bolshoi Thtr in 1869. Ptip's vrsion of Don Quixot, to th music of Minkus who ws commissiond to writ dditionl music for nw fifth ct consisting of thr scns into which th court of Duk nd Duchss ws introducd ws to bcom th stndrd bllt vrsion of th tl. Ltr on Don Quixot ws introducd in Moscow, nd this xplins lot. Th 19th cntury critics lvishd pris on th prmir, clling th nw bllt " vision of rsplndnc, splndor nd luxury throughout" - in thtricl crnivl ur, torrid Spnish moods, pripthis of plot nd crtinly, th flming dncs, by which Ptip in th brk of his crr clbrts victory ovr his jlous comptitors. In 1900 th bllt xprincs rnissnc whn lxndr Gorsky crts his own vrsion for th Mriinsky Thtr in St Ptrsburg. Th honstly positiv plot of Lo Minkus' bllt Don Quixot in 1869 is difficult to compr with Crvnts' novl, which cn b clld th grtst stir on humn nthusism. Th chrctrs of th sddst of th knights nd his fithful squir r dpictd in too gnrl stroks. Both bllt composrs - th chif Kpllmistr of th Moscow Bolshoi Thtr, th outstnding violinist nd uthor of 16 bllts Lo Minkus nd th Chif of th Impril bllt, n dvnturr nd wndrr, th lgndry chorogrphr Mrius Ptip - vn did not try to sk sthticlly idlistic dpth in Crvnts' litrry work. Thir prtnrship is missing logicl progrss of plot. Th succss nd nduring ttrction of th bllt Don Quixot lis in th lmnt of dnc. dnc phrs cn somtims ovrlp its ssocitd music. " Sinc thn, Don Quixot hs continud to b forgd in mny chorogrphic nd musicl vrsions. Th Octobr Rvolution of 1917 incrsd trror nd slughtrs cross Russi. In its wk, Nichols Srgyv fld to th Wst. H could only tk wht ws ssntil: food, clothing nd th chorogrphy to th clssic bllts. fw yrs ltr, thnks to Srgyv, Wstrn udincs got s th full lngth vrsion of Don Quixot for th first tim. It ws not wht thy xpctd. Th Spnish pnch nd fir is no doubt wht involvd chorogrphr Mrius Ptip to th proprty in th first plc. nd it's ttrctd just bout vry dncr sinc. Ordinrily, this typ of dncing isn't tht much of posr for dncr - but in Don Quixot, thr's n ddd twist. Ptip's chorogrphy isn't ntirly fithful to th idiom. It's mor lik 'brokn Spnish.' Ptip's bility